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6 Tips for De-cluttering Your Las Vegas Home Before You Hang Your “For Sale” Sign

6 Tips for De-cluttering Your Las Vegas Home Before You Hang Your “For Sale” Sign

Do you want potential buyers to see your beautiful hardwood floors, granite countertops and custom built-in bookcases? Well, they won’t if you have furniture, knick knacks, and piles of stuff covering every square inch.  Indeed, clutter can (and probably will) drive buyers right out your front door.

You don’t need to throw things out (although this would be a good time to “simplify” your belongings before you move), but getting them out of sight (not crammed into closets and under the bed) is a good idea. Here are 6 de-cluttering tips to help you prepare your Las Vegas home before it goes up for sale:

#1: Remove most appliances from your kitchen counters. If you have a counter microwave, then removing it may not be sensible (you use it every day and it’s big, besides) but stowing your coffee maker and toaster after breakfast is a good idea. Showing as much counter space as possible will make your kitchen look larger.  Buyers love to look at the kitchen, so make the most of your space.

#2: Reduce the amount of stuff in your cabinets, closets and built-in bookshelves. Even though I just said to store appliances away in your cabinets, you’ll want to eliminate excess and unnecessary items stored there. You’ll want your closets to show how organized they can be (not how much you can cram into them). Potential buyers are buying the closets, built-in bookcases, and cabinets along with the rest of the home, so show how spacious they are.

#3: Clean up the kids’ stuff (their bedrooms, playrooms and wherever they leave their things). Kids’ toys, books and games tend to scatter throughout a home, but they’ll be distracting to potential buyers. Use bins, totes and baskets for sorting and storing (don’t forget to label everything).

#4: A sparkling bathroom indicates a well-maintained home. Most buyers judge a home by how well a bathroom looks (and smells). If you’ve taken care of your bathroom (it works properly and is clean), then most likely you’ve taken care of the rest of your home (fewer repairs for a buyer). Again, store everything out of sight (even your rubber ducky!). Don’t forget to clean out the medicine cabinet – yes, buyers definitely snoop in there!

#5: Remove all bills, newspapers and magazines that pile up around your home. Paper can be very distracting and take the focus off of your rooms and onto your messes. As you remove these items, dust and clean (plus sort, discard and file any papers).

#6: Remove and/or rearrange your furnishings. Now I am not saying get rid of your heirloom grandfather clock, but if it blocks a hallway or door entrance, then move it or put it in storage. Take down family photos and other personal decorations (sorry, the hunting trophies need to go into storage). Again, it’s the house that buyers should be looking at – not your daughter’s kindergarten graduation picture.

I know some of these de-cluttering tips can be a pain, but they can help sell your Las Vegas home (and, let’s be frank, sellers need all the help they can get). Our agents can help you determine where and how to de-clutter – and give you all the other tips that will help you sell your home for more money in less time.  Give us a call at (702) 376-7379 or contact us at